“first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” gandhi english français deutsch polski home advice realities health victims testimonies justice oppositions news accidents films books songs satires posters friends contact youtube channel i am notme last update: july 19, 2018 want to be notified of new articles? notme, not nimby three decades of wind industry deception energy prices are creating an industrial massacre in europe simplified explanation of the findings, previous research, and the consequences groundbreaking study shows the link between “wind turbine signature” and health effects the new 10h rule protects residents in bavaria the harmful effects of wind turbines health effects of wind turbines recognized and explained diagnostic criteria for adverse health effects in the environs of wind turbines english french german polish the other side of green energy: the negative impact of wind turbines “the health of all my employees and ourselves became very impacted from the emissions of the wind turbines’ infrasound and low frequency noise.” infrasound and low frequency noise lecture about low frequency noise and infrasound and its effects on health, by dr mariana alves-pereira. held in ljubljana, slovenia, on may 25, 2018. judiciary said to stop but wind power is still in operation the construction plan of the wind power plants established in the natural site of 1st degree in çeşme was cancelled but the facility is still open. local people want power plants to be sealed. is wind energy a good idea? minnesota is blowing billions on wind power. the state began erecting wind turbines to lower electric bills and co2 emissions. but the result is higher electricity rates and dubious co2 reductions. when it comes to energy, minnesota is blowing it! energy images are deceiving oil, natural gas and coal make up 81 percent of u.s. energy usage. wind and solar contribute only 2.6%—and less than 0.5% of world energy consumption. so why are we bombarded with so many images of wind turbines and solar panels? 100% proof of ill effects is not needed “a few of you have commented that without 100 percent proof that the turbines are harmful you will approve them.” understanding stray voltage & industrial wind turbines free event — saturday april 21, 2018 — covenant christian school, 6470 regional rd 14, smithville, on l0r 2a0, canada. wind turbines are wearing too fast at the world’s largest offshore farm hundreds of offshore wind turbines in uk waters need emergency repairs after they started eroding within a few years of being installed. icebreaker project of 6 offshore wind turbines: comments to the ohio power siting board (opsb) by great lakes wind truth and na-paw — february 28, 2018 paradise destroyed the destruction of rural living by the wind energy scam. the divide between wind turbines and noise control engineering a wonderful piece on group think by stephen e. ambrose. sensing but not hearing: the problem of wind turbine noise interview with acoustician steven cooper, au. the great wind scam a wind scammer was trapped. infrasound and lfn – its impact on human health biomedical engineer dr mariana alves-pereira recently studied the impact of ilfn from wind turbines in ireland, concluding that noise regulations need urgent updating to reflect noise levels that endanger human health. rural america keeps rejecting big wind rural residents don’t want to see the red-blinking lights atop those massive turbines, all night, every night, for the rest of their lives. nor do they want to be subjected to the harmful noise – both audible and inaudible — that they produce. lawrence solomon: carbon bounties (not taxes) could save us from the next little ice age with scientists increasingly predicting a long period of global cooling, we may need incentives to put additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. infrasound from wind turbines is a new signal in the environment “never before has there been this kind of continuous, regular infrasound signal covering entire regions.” welcome to 2018, year of the moratorium 40 years of turbine lies lie here, dying, dead, rip. urgent petition: stop the production tax credit for industrial wind please sign this important petition! 800-pound gorilla big wind “before you sign away your rights to peaceful, quiet, country living; talk to someone who lives close to one of these noise generators.” why wind turbine sounds are annoying, and why it matters some consider “annoying” has little impact more than, “your gum chewing is annoying,” while for others, an annoying sound can mean loss of sleep. icebreaker windpower tries to subvert justice: applies for motion to quash opposition intervenor status application na-paw media release — november 27, 2017 do not have children near a wind turbine! “in the usa, eric zou, phd student, observed a clear increase of complaints for insomnia with help services and also suicides from the installation of wind turbines. in belgium, dr leproult (ulb) measures mortality due to lack of sleep.” expert witness statement of sarah elisabeth laurie, ceo, waubra foundation “when the acoustic startle reflex is repeatedly triggered during sleep, it results in chronic sleep deprivation which worsens with progressive low frequency noise sensitization.” case report: cross-sensitisation to ilfn “exposed to residential infrasound and low frequency noise due coal mining activities, the subjects reacted suddenly, strongly and unexpectedly to pressure pulses generated by a wind farm located at a different town [...]” bccrwe reissued press release: brown county hosts special meeting on wind turbine health effects the meeting demonstrated that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that wind turbines pose public health risks. wind power not the answer to lowering co2 emissions, claims lobby group “you always have to have all of your fossil fuel plants either running or on stand-by – so they're now producing more emissions than if they were running all the time.” reader’s report on eric zou, “wind turbine syndrome: the impact of wind farms on suicide” by nina pierpont, md, phd. wind turbine nightmare 74-year-old pat spence from barrhill in ayrshire has to drive somewhere quiet to be able to sleep after her home was surrounded by more than 180 wind turbines. the impact of wind turbines on suicide “exploiting over 800 utility-scale wind turbine installation events in the united states from 2001-2013, i show robust evidence that wind farms lead to significant increases in suicide.” whale infra-sound death watch “ocean wind turbine construction is complete off block island, rhode island. onshore and offshore wind turbines give off infra-sound.” medical testimony of dr herb coussons “vibro-acoustic disease has now been autopsy-proven to show soft tissue proliferation, particularly collagen and fibro-elastic tissue that causes heart problems, hypertension, and other physiologic proven findings. this is not isolated to wind turbines.” a seminar on wind turbine noise by melvin grosvenor, dr john yelland and professor mariana alves-pereira on september 22, 2017 at 7 pm at the radisson blu hotel, glasgow, scotland. the scottish wind-power racket “the country is intensely urbanised, with most voters located in the cities. rural objectors were simply too few in number to have much influence, no matter how strong their environmental or economic arguments.” how renewables and the global warming industry are literally hitler have you ever wondered what kind of sadistic, totalitarian mentality you might need to want to carpet the countryside with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco crucifixes? new study concludes europe will always require 100% back-up by conventional energy a new german paper assesses wind energy in europe. the results are devastating. top of page friends against wind © 2014-2018